They Told Chris Rock No Jussie Smollett Jokes, So He Came Out And Did This -

They Told Chris Rock No Jussie Smollett Jokes, So He Came Out And Did This

Like me, you were probably shocked when you learned that of all people, Jussie Smollett was among the nominees for the NAACP’s image awards.

As it turns out, Smollet was nominated before his infamous race hoax, however, the NAACP didn’t even consider retracting his nomination, and host of the awards show said he wanted Smollett to win. At least having the foresight to know that was a minority view, Smollett skipped on the awards ceremony.

Despite his absence, the NAACP prohibited speakers from including any jokes or comments about Smollett -rules which comedian Christ Rock immediately shredded after taking the stage, roasting Smollett.

According to Fox News, Rock began “They said ‘No Jussie Smollett jokes’ … What a waste of light skin. Do you know what I could do with that light skin? That curly hair? My career would be out of here! I’d be running Hollywood.” He continued: “What the hell was he thinking? You’re ‘Jessie’ from now on. You don’t get the ‘u’ no more. That ‘u’ was respect. You ain’t getting no respect from me!”

While Smollett has been cleared of 16 charges, he has not been exonerated, and more legal troubles are likely to follow. But even if not – he’s still lost his trial in the court of public opinion, and there’s no appeal process for that.

Despite maintaining his innocence, Smollett has made no public appearances since his faux-“exoneration,” and hasn’t posted to any of his social media. He also seems to have lost interest in finding the “real attackers.”

I can only wonder why.

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