SHOCK Poll Reveals Plurality Of Americans Think News Media Is Lying And Untrustworthy -

SHOCK Poll Reveals Plurality Of Americans Think News Media Is Lying And Untrustworthy

A majority of American men and a plurality of the public no longer trust the mainstream media, according to a new poll released by Zogby.

More voters than not find the “Big Three” networks – Fox, CNN and NBC – and the nation’s 3 largest liberal newspapers “untrustworthy,” according to the shocking survey.

The latest Zogby Poll finds that 48 percent believe the media biggies — CBS, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post — are untrustworthy.

“What is obvious is the erosion in trust of the mainstream media, which did not happen when Trump announced his candidacy. People have been turning away from major newspapers and network news for years,” says Jonathan Zogby, CEO of Zogby Analytics.

“With new technology available, people get information from many different sources these days.”

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More from the Washington Examiner:

Trump voters are the most distrusting of the top six news outlets, but there are many other differences, Zogby found:

A majority of men, 52 percent, said the “Big Six” are untrustworthy.

A plurality of women, 47 percent, believes the media is trustworthy.

Two-thirds of Democrats say they trust the media.

69 percent of Republicans don’t trust the networks and three newspapers.

As for Trump voters, “The divide was also even more prevalent,” said the survey.

Seven in ten Trump supporters polled view the mainstream media as not trustworthy, including half who say the “big six” are not trustworthy at all.

Of the voters polled who disapprove of Trump, two thirds trust media outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS and newspapers of record The New York Times, the LA Times, and the Washington Post.

But social media isn’t necessarily better. Liberals are experts at manipulating web traffic and commentary to make it seem as though their take on the news is always the “correct” one.

As Laura Ingraham put it, “Never forget that Twitter and Facebook do not represent the true American electorate.”


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