San Juan Mayor Who Bashed President Trump Is Being Outed As Lazy, Inefficient And Corrupt -

San Juan Mayor Who Bashed President Trump Is Being Outed As Lazy, Inefficient And Corrupt

Carmen Yulin Cruz is a secretly hands-off politician letting crony labor unions torture suffering Puerto Ricans.

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has criticized President Trump in the harshest possible ways, with the infamous “straight to hell” tweet and accusations of neglect for Puerto Rico.

But as more comes to light on the liberal-activist mayor, other civic leaders are confessing that Cruz is less-than-interested in meeting with state-wide authorities to address the crisis.

More from The Daily Caller:

The mayor of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico cast serious doubt Saturday on the claims made by San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who has repeatedly attacked President Trump and accused him of abandoning Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Guaynabo’s mayor, Angel Perez, said in an interview with The Daily Caller that his experience with the federal government has been different from Cruz’s, in part because — unlike Cruz — he has been participating in meetings with officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies.

Cruz has repeatedly accused Trump and the federal government of abandoning Puerto Rico. She demanded in a press conference on Friday that Trump do more to help the island, adding that “we are going to see is something close to a genocide” if more is not done. (RELATED: Trump Takes On San Juan Mayor For ‘Nasty’ Criticism Of Puerto Rico Response)

Mayor Perez told TheDC that the story Cruz is telling the media doesn’t mesh with what he has seen from the federal government.

“My experience is different. I have been participating in different meetings at the headquarters of FEMA and our government and the help is coming in and right now my experience is different from hers. I’m receiving help from the government, we are receiving assistance from FEMA, I got people over here helping us with applications for the people that have damage in their houses. And we have here in Guaynabo, we have thousands of people that lost partially or totally their houses,” said Perez, who is a member of Puerto Rico’s New Progressive Party.

Perez’s comments echoed what FEMA administrator Brock Long said on Saturday. Long defended Trump’s tweets blasting Cruz and indicated that Cruz has failed to connect with the FEMA command center set up on the island to help with the relief effort.

The scandals are just beginning for Cruz. New testimonials are being made public that accuse the mayor of contracting corrupt labor unions for emergency work, preventing up to 80% of the available San Juan labor force from driving badly-needed supplies to hurricane survivors. We’ll keep you posted!

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