PLEASE SHARE: New Plan Spreading to Flood White House with Postcards on 3/15/17! -

PLEASE SHARE: New Plan Spreading to Flood White House with Postcards on 3/15/17!

We were just contacted about this idea from a reader and we want to help spread the word!  Will you please help us?

An idea is going viral to flood the White House with postcards!  Millions of post cards would come into the White House at the same time, and the press would be forced to take notice!  And you know our man President Trump will make a huge story out of it on Twitter and Facebook!

But we need your help!  In order for it to work, we need mass participation!

The idea is to give a visual picture of support for Trump that the media can’t deny.  This would be directly in the face of all the FAKE NEWS media bias that is spinning out there right now.

So here are the details:

Americans have had enough of the destructive Democrats and complicit Republicans.  So here’s the plan to show President Trump and the world that he is our president.  Mark your calendars!
March 15, everyone mail a post card to Trump that publicly expresses our support to him.
He’s standing for America while all around him, including, it seems from the leaks, some of the closest insiders are trying to derail him. This is unprecedented, truly unprecedented, in American history.  We, in vast numbers from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the President with our support and belief in him.  We will show the media and the politicians that we are standing with him!
Tell him thank you for taking on the job of making America great again.  And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office with complete support that even the media cannot deny.  All we have to do, every one of us, is write a post card to the President expressing your support in him and his decisions.
Mail it on MARCH 15, 2017, everyone all on the same day.
Imagine the impact this will have.  Do the math: there will be millions. Post this on your FB account, Twitter, Gab or other social media accounts.
Here’s how to get them to Trump:
President Donald J Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
POSTCARDS ONLY. NO ENVELOPES. They would have to go through Secret Service for inspection. Remember, March 15. Put it on your calendar and send some post cards on 15 March.


Please SHARE this article everywhere to make this a massive success!

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TRENDING NOW >>  Major Trump Rally In Nashville Next Week!

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