Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Accept That Trump Was Exonerated! -

Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Accept That Trump Was Exonerated!

To the dismay of many liberals, the Muller report didn’t vindicate the hysterical cries of collusion that we’ve been hearing of for three years now. In fact, at the conclusion of Mueller’s investigation there were dozens of charges filed – and not a single that had anything to do with collusion.

It was a witch hunt the entire time – and it ensnared plenty of witches.

Having milked the Russia story for two years straight, CNN must be scrambling for something else to cover. Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is in full meltdown mode, doubling down every night on her program, pivoting to arguing Trump obstructed the investigation.

And some are in outright denial mode – including Nancy Pelosi.

In July of 2017 Pelosi said there was “cold hard evidence” of collusion between Russia and the Trump family.

If she’s to be believed, that means she’s apparently been keeping that cold hard evidence from the rest of us for nearly two years now. Think she’ll ever reveal it?

I won’t hold my breath.

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