LOL: MSNBC Ad Says Network "No Echo Chamber"...To Footage Of Anti-Trump Libs Agreeing With Themselves! -

LOL: MSNBC Ad Says Network “No Echo Chamber”…To Footage Of Anti-Trump Libs Agreeing With Themselves!

CNN seemed to take the unintended-irony prize of 2017 last month with its stupid “apple/banana” ad, attempting to assure viewers that the news on CNN isn’t fake. 

But now, MSNBC is competing for the crown with an ad claiming that the network is “not an echo chamber.”

Yet, hilariously, almost the entire ad contains hardcore partisan Democrats (such as Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes) agreeing with each other that Trump is bad!

Trump is “violating the norms” of the Presidency, our Wise Overlords tell us during the ad.

READ MORE: Hillary’s Career Declared DEAD As Both Sides Condemn Election Rigging! 

The 30-second video:

More from The Hill:

MSNBC recently launched a new on-air promotion that claims the cable news network “is not an echo chamber.”

“This is not an echo chamber,” a narrator says to begin the 30-second MSNBC ad, titled, “This is a dialogue.”

The ad features political sound bites from MSNBC hosts including Chris Hayes, Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow as the 1972 rock song “Join Together” by The Who plays in the background.

“This is not a one-way street. This is a dialogue that looks at the world and all its complexities from every side,” the narrator continues.

“It’s exactly what the founders of this country imagined,” Chris Matthews declares in a clip as the ad concludes with the MSNBC logo and the caption: “This is who we are.”

Guess a Fake News apple is still a Fake News apple. Not just on CNN, but on MSNBC too.

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