Gallup Poll Finds Trump WAY More Popular than AOC -

Gallup Poll Finds Trump WAY More Popular than AOC

There isn’t really all that much remarkable about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She may have won in her upset primary victory in New York’s 14th District against notoriously corrupt incumbent Democrat Joseph Crowley – but even that was by a mere 4,000 votes in a district of 700,000. Desperate for a new darling, the liberal media (a redundant phrase, I know) has appointed her the new face of the Democratic Party, giving her more media time than any freshman congressperson ever, with the exception of Hillary Clinton. She’s even still getting more attention than all the 2020 presidential candidates!

It’s a big contrast from Trump. A notable Harvard study early in the Trump presidency found that 91% of the coverage of his first 100 days was negative – and while there wasn’t much room for the reporting to get any worse – it somehow has. The Media Research Center’s most recent study on anti-Trump bias was published in October of last year, and found that 92% of then-recent Trump coverage was negative. Outside of Fox News you’ll only hear blistering criticism of Trump, and glowing praise of AOC, but despite all that, Trump is still more popular.

According to Gallup, as more people have become familiar with AOC, the less they like her (little surprise there).

The increased visibility has not improved her overall standing with Americans. Whereas the public had mixed views of Ocasio-Cortez in September, her image now tilts slightly negative, with 31% viewing her favorably and 41% unfavorably. Since September, the congresswoman’s unfavorable rating has climbed 15 percentage points while her favorable rating is up by seven points. The latest data are from a Gallup poll conducted Feb. 12-28.

By contrast, Gallup’s latest poll had Trump at 39% approval. AOC’s approval rating is even less “impressive” when broken out by demographic:

AOC responded, trying to pretend that this poll only proved that old white right-wing men dislike her, even though it found her in the red by 10 points across the board (which would be impossible if she were only unpopular among old white Republicans). She also blamed Fox News – the literal one network that ever criticizes her.

It is true that AOC is unpopular among “old white conservatives,” but it’s also true that AOC becomes less popular to every older age demographic, regardless of race. And even the youth barely like her, as she only had net 5 points of favorability among them, and net 4 points of approval among women (horrible figures for a Democrat, as these demographics, are usually a reliable basis of support).

You have to admit, it was ballsy for her to voluntarily share a poll on her twitter account that showed her 10 points in the red despite overwhelmingly positive media coverage. Then again, maybe it was just stupidity.

If anything, this is yet another reminder that the picture the media paints (in the case, AOC as a universally loved rising star) is not real life. Thank God for that.

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