Cut, Cut, Cut! Trump Announces What He Wants to Name The Tax Plan! -

Cut, Cut, Cut! Trump Announces What He Wants to Name The Tax Plan!

Donald Trump is the master of branding.

Even dopey Paul Ryan is smart enough to know that, so Ryan initially gave the naming rights of the new tax reform act.

And of course, like everything else he does, Ryan screwed things up.

Now with the plan ready to be announced tomorrow, Ryan still doesn’t have an official name for the plan because he got himself engaged in a dispute with House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady.  Paul Ryan can’t legislate his way out of a wet paper bag!  The man literally cannot even get a name approved without sending things into gridlock.

But the main point of this story is that President Trump, as usual, has come up with a great name of the new act.  He wants to call it Cut, Cut, Cut!  I love it!

After Trump came up with the name, research shows that most Americans favor highlighting the cutting aspects of the act vs. calling it tax reform.  That’s our President, he instinctively knows what these goofy politicians pay thousands of dollars in “market research” for.  What a joke!

Here is more on this story, from Yahoo News:

President Donald Trump has told senior congressional leaders that he wants to name the forthcoming tax overhaul bill “the Cut Cut Cut Act,” two senior administration officials told ABC News.

Less than 24 hours before the bill is slated to be revealed, there is still dispute over the name, according to a senior congressional aide and a senior White House official.

The sources said it has been decided that the Ways and Means Committee will have the final say over the name.

Still, behind closed doors, there has been back-and-forth between House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady about the name of the bill, including multiple phone calls in the past week.

Ryan initially kicked the naming over to Trump because of his knack for branding, according to a senior Hill aide.

Trump has been insistent that the bill be called the Cut Cut Cut Act, according to the administration officials.

Ryan and Brady have pushed back on the name of the bill. However, Trump has held firm.

Internal White House polling showed that Americans respond more favorably to language that highlights tax cuts over tax reform, according to a senior White House official.

“At the end of the day, this will be known as the Trump tax cuts,” the senior Hill aide said.

Brady’s and Ryan’s offices declined to comment.

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