BREAKING: U.S. Jobs, Manufacturing Hit RECORD New Highs As The Trump Economic Boom BEGINS! -

BREAKING: U.S. Jobs, Manufacturing Hit RECORD New Highs As The Trump Economic Boom BEGINS!

The media is doing its best to distract America from the positive steps taken by President Trump toward rebuilding our business sector. 

Thankfully, the economy isn’t paying attention.

November reports on jobs and manufacturing show record numbers across the board, including an all-time record according to pundit Bill Mitchell:

 Read More: Trump Tax Cuts ABOLISH Income Tax For Blue Collar Families! 

More from Conservative Treehouse:

The November jobs reports are coming out and the results are Bigly remarkable. Manufacturing job growth in November was 40,000 new jobs. That’s the highest single month jobs growth in over 15 years. These manufacturing jobs are higher wage jobs.

This is the blue-collar-billionaire economic outcome President Trump has been working toward within every economic proposal, policy and initiative.

The first wave of companies (large and small manufacturers of American products) to jump on the Trump economic initiatives, have invested and begun building-out their capacity. Now we begin to see those companies hiring workers to create the products and services.

Overall the U.S. economy added 190,000 jobs in November which is almost twice the number needed to replace retiring workers. The government’s headline unemployment number is currently at 4.1%.

For several years we have questioned the methodology behind the unemployment numbers. What we are likely to see is reality forcing the skewered methodology to push that unemployment number below 4%.

Aside from the jump in manufacturing, education and health services led with 54,000, professional and business services were next with 47,000 and trade, transportation and utilities contributed 36,000.

Information services saw a decline of 13,000 while construction fell by 4,000. [*NOTE* The construction numbers appear fluctuated by payrolls in the wake of the September Hurricanes. October construction was +60k.

How long before the MSM is forced to stop pretending they don’t feel the tremors?

There’s an economic boom coming that could cement President Trump in the White House until 2024!

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