BREAKING: Texas Hero Who Shot Church Shooter Was A Certified NRA Instructor -

BREAKING: Texas Hero Who Shot Church Shooter Was A Certified NRA Instructor

The National Rifle Association confirmed on Monday that Stephen Willeford, the hero who shot church shooter Devin P. Kelley, was a certified instructor of the NRA from 2002-2004.


Willeford utilized an AR-15 to confront Kelley at the Sutherland Springs church, after the evil loser had killed 26 people.

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Willeford says after he scored one hit, Kelly dropped his rifle and tried to escape in an SUV.

Willeford and fellow hero Johnnie Langendorff pursued him in Langendorff’s truck, with the chase reaching speeds of 95 MPH before Kelley went into a ditch and killed himself with a gun shot.

“I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done, and I just wish I had gotten there faster,” Willeford remarked on Monday.

More from Daily Caller:

Willeford says he shot Kelley, causing him to drop his rifle and try to escape in an SUV.

Willeford and fellow good samaritan Johnnie Langendorff pursued him in Langendorff’s truck, with the chase reaching speeds of 95 MPH before Kelley finally veered off the road.

Investigators say Kelley died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

“I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done, and I just wish I had gotten there faster,” Willeford said in an interview Monday.

Willeford found about the shooting from his daughter and left his house with no shoes on in the hopes of getting to the church as quickly as possible.

Ken Leonard, Willeford’s cousin, said Willeford actually believed he had shot Kelley three times — once in the side and twice in the neck.

Willeford was skillfully aiming around a body armor vest that Kelley wore during the shooting.

The former gun-safety instructor’s story is now about to be ignored and suppressed by the mainstream media over the next few days.

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