BREAKING: Little Rocket Man's Big Scary ICBM Launch Now Proven To Be A Total FAIL! -

BREAKING: Little Rocket Man’s Big Scary ICBM Launch Now Proven To Be A Total FAIL!

The media, in its love affair with “alarming” stories supposedly rattling the Trump administration, reported that North Korea’s recent ICBM test was not only successful but showed that Kim Jong-un can hit any target in the USA with a nuke.

Not so, say military scientists who have studied the rocket’s flight.

It is now known that the North Korean missile did not survive re-entry into the atmosphere, breaking apart before delivering its mock “payload” into the ocean.

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More from Fox News:

North Korea’s latest intercontinental ballistic missile did not survive re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere after it was tested this week, a U.S. official told Fox News Saturday.

The official added that U.S. allies are searching for the remnants of the warhead after it splashed down close to the Japanese coast Wednesday.

The news suggests that even if North Korea’s latest missile, dubbed the Kwasong-15, could not make impact on U.S. soil even if it has the range to reach American shores. South Korea’s Defense Ministry said Friday that the two-stage liquid-fuel missile potentially capable of striking targets as far away as 8,100 miles, which would put Washington within reach.

North Korea said the missile on Wednesday reached an apogee of 2,780 miles and flew 600 miles, flight data similar to what was announced by South Korea’s military. Pyongyang described its new ICBM as “significantly more” powerful than the Hwasong-14, which the North flight tested twice in July.

The Hwasong-15 is longer than the Hwasong-14 by 6.56 feet and also thicker, particularly its second stage, which is 2.62 feet wider than Hwasong-14’s second stage, Seoul’s Defense Ministry said.

Back to the drawing board, Little Rocket Man!

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