BOMBSHELL: Russian Lawyer Pegged For Meeting Don Jr. Met With CLINTON Employees...TWICE! -

BOMBSHELL: Russian Lawyer Pegged For Meeting Don Jr. Met With CLINTON Employees…TWICE!

Let’s face it. When crazed Reddit users and other “radicals” said that the Clinton campaign had more nefarious help from Russia than Trump, we took it with a grain of salt.

Not because Trump voters think he colluded with Moscow, but because Trump is more popular in Asia than Hillary, who is detested by Putin.

But stop the presses, because lo and behold…the “radicals” were exactly right!

Fox News is reporting that employees working for the DNC, aka Hillary Clinton’s personal henchmen, met with Natalia Veselnitskaya – the Russian lawyer whom Donald Trump Jr. was vilified for meeting and mostly ignoring – both before and after she came into contact with the Trump team.

READ MORE: Hillary’s Career Declared DEAD As Both Sides Condemn Election Rigging! 

In fact, Veselnitskaya may have had an awful lot to do with the Steele dossier, on which a great chunk of Robert Mueller’s investigation is based.

More from Fox News:

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya occurred during a critical period.

At that time, Fox News has learned that bank records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying a former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts.

But hours before the Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, Fusion co-founder and ex-Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson was with Veselnitskaya in a Manhattan federal courtroom, a confidential source told Fox News. Court records reviewed by Fox News, email correspondence and published reports corroborate the pair’s presence together.

The source told Fox News they also were together after the Trump Tower meeting.

Simpson’s presence with Veselnitskaya during this critical week in June — together with revelations about Fusion’s simultaneous financial ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign and Russian interests — raise new questions about the company’s role in the 2016 election.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating the Trump Tower meeting as part of his probe of Russian interference in last year’s election.

Simpson and Fusion GPS were hired by BakerHostetler, which represented Russian firm Prevezon through Veselnitskaya.

Veselnitskaya has said she sought the Trump Tower meeting in order to lobby the candidate’s team against Russian sanctions, but the initial approach included an offer of compromising information on candidate Clinton.

Lawyers representing Fusion and Veselnitskaya did not respond to requests for comment lodged on Friday.

What if the entire Mueller investigation is a circle that begins and ends with Veselnitskaya?

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