Video: Senator John McCain Called Out For Anti-Trump Bias And Totally LOSES IT On Camera! -

Video: Senator John McCain Called Out For Anti-Trump Bias And Totally LOSES IT On Camera!

John McCain flies off the handle at the suggestion he just hates Trump. Probably because it’s true…

McCain exploded on reporter Peter Doocy of Fox News on Wednesday for asking the senator if he would simply oppose anything that President Trump asked him to do.

The video:

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More from Daily Caller:

Doocy asked Sen. McCain if his relationship with the president is “so frayed” that McCain would “not support anything that he comes to you and asks for?”

McCain snapped, “Why would you say something that stupid? Why would you ask something that dumb?”

“My job as a United States senator — you mean I am somehow going to behave in a way that I’m going to block everything because of some personal disagreement?” McCain said incredulously. “That’s a dumb question.”

There has been a significant amount of tension between McCain and Trump over the past few days. On Monday, McCain bashed Trump’s “America First” nationalistic policies, to which Trump warned McCain that he “fights back” and “it won’t be pretty.”

Speaking of “not pretty,” we apologize for making you look at John McCain for 30 seconds!

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