Video: Insta-VIRAL Footage Purports To Show Malia Obama Blowing Smoke Rings...Of The GREEN Variety -

Video: Insta-VIRAL Footage Purports To Show Malia Obama Blowing Smoke Rings…Of The GREEN Variety

A majority of conservatives now agree that college kids should not be sent off to prison for hitting a joint at a party. But before you see the video below, a quick fairy tale.

In 2007-08, Barack Obama campaigned as a president who would reduce sentences on non-violent crime, and support states in decriminalizing marijuana for medical patients. Liberals went wild with delight. The Grateful Dead got back together to play an Obama fundraiser.

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Soon after arriving in office, Obama laughed at any suggestion that he would make pot legal. Instead, SWAT raids against non-violent smokers went up. Peaceful families were terrorized by over-zealous Feds. Even some sick, elderly people were arrested!

At the same time, everyone knew Obama had smoked pot. Barack and his family masquerade as paragons of virtue and clean, smart living.

…which brings us to this amazing viral video, uploaded to Twitter and Instagram today:

It appears to be Malia Obama herself, reveling in her taste of a little sumpin’ sumpin’.

How will her parents react? Would this, if anything, ever make the Obamas pipe down (get it? pipe…down) about being better and more responsible than the majority of Americans?

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