Trump Says Mueller Investigation Was An "Elaborate Hoax" Meant To Overturn Valid Election! -

Trump Says Mueller Investigation Was An “Elaborate Hoax” Meant To Overturn Valid Election!

Fresh off of eight years of a President who spent all of his time fighting “evils” of climate change, American villainy, fabricated racism, and the GOP’s lukewarm attempts to destroy Obamacare, the American people voted in—legitimately—an outsider who was ready to fight the establishment of both sides on behalf of Americans.

Most Republicans saw Donald Trump as a dirty boxer, though non-idealistic, who could be trusted to implement traditional conservative policies. Democrats just saw a rank-and-file GOP racist, bigot, homophobe.

It was a scene out of a horror movie for Democrats, on the fateful night, in November 2016; Trump-haters were so shaken by his stunning victory, that the only answer they could bring themselves to get on-board with was one that accused the Trump campaign of a traitorous cheat.

Fast forward to March, 2019, and President Trump is vindicated, while the American people are left wondering why and how a duly elected President could be nearly brought down by a completely fabricated hoax.

President Trump lets CSPAN know how he feels about the Russia collusion hoax:

President Trump, understandably, has been very vocal about his innocence, from day one. Now that he has been exonerated, he is going on the offensive.

The Washington Examiner covered a lively Donald Trump, blasting the corrupt attempt to take him down and all those who were involved:

“President Trump told a campaign crowd Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report was a ‘total exoneration’ exposing an ‘elaborate hoax’ by a ‘group of major losers,’ ‘crooked journalists’ and ‘the deep state’ to overturn the 2016 election results.

 ‘After three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead. The collusion delusion is over,’ Trump declared at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich.

The celebratory speech follows Attorney General William Barr’s Sunday evening summary of Mueller’s findings, including that there was no evidence of the Trump campaign engaging in criminal collusion with Russia.”

La Corte News also covered the event, adding this:

“‘Total exoneration, complete vindication. It’s interesting. Robert Mueller was a God to the Democrats, was a God to them, until he said there was no collusion,’ Trump said.

‘The crazy attempts by the Democrat Party and the fake news media right back there, and the deep state to overturn the results of the 2016 election have failed … This is nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory and to sabotage the will of the American people,’ he said to the cheering crowd.”

Robert Mueller, a “God to the Democrats.” This might as well have been the case, as every Trump-hater had long since put Robert Mueller up on a pedestal, awaiting his “divine” ouster of Donald Trump.

However, he is now a fallen angel, as he was unable to deliver the goods. At least he was intellectually honest enough to admit they had nothing…

Here’s a clip of Trump owning Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) during his Grand Rapids, MI rally:


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