CNN's Online Survey Backfires, 70% Say Trump Should NOT Be Investigated! -

CNN’s Online Survey Backfires, 70% Say Trump Should NOT Be Investigated!

I wonder how they’ll spin this one!

Or how soon they’ll take the survey down and destroy all evidence that it ever existed.  Too late on that one, because we just took screenshots!

Help us share these results, click the SHARE button at the bottom of your screen!

Here are all the details….and the screenshots!  CNN ran a poll asking its readers: “Should Trump be investigated for obstruction of justice?”  Here’s the poll:

CNN poll

Good question!  I’m sure CNN expected it to come back with mostly “yes” votes, but it turns out the real world does not live in the CNN Fake News bubble!

Over 70% of voters said NO!  And with your help, we can get that number even higher!  Here’s the results page:

CNN poll results

The American public is tired of the witch hunt!  Enough is enough!  Help us SHARE this everywhere!

VOTE NOW in our new poll….Do you still support the wall?

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